Don't Fall Into a Rut

I remember breaking my collarbone last year and how I was so completely bummed that I wouldn't be able to ride my dirt bike for 4-6 weeks. I was just watching Tyler Bereman's Fundamentals vid that Red Bull dropped today, captioned with something about injuries that had kept him away from the bike for a while. It made me think about the time, opportunities, and progression that you miss while being forced to take time off the bike and how hungry you feel when you want to ride but can't.

The real realization while watching that short video, however, is that I haven't ridden my dirt bike in over 8 weeks. Eight. Damn. Weeks. For basically no reason other than being mentally exhausted and just genuinely unmotivated because of my career and miscellaneous other shit traps we fall into as adults. Granted, I did have a legitimate reason for my dirt bike being down in the first place—I was waiting for a back-ordered part for my fork—but I've had that part sitting on my counter for a solid month now.

I'm a single dude with a great career and about $3 in the bank—balling. I don't have a girlfriend, a kid, a mortgage, a dog, or really anything that keeps me from doing the things that I want to do. Yet, here I am, putting off the shit I love for no definable reason. It makes me realize how easy it is to fall into a rut (no moto pun intended) and not realize it. I can't even say that I've become complacent because I'm not consciously satisfied with my routine, I just haven't done anything about it. Life happens, though. Sometimes we just need to reflect on where we’re at and where it is we want to be.

Don't fall into a rut and follow it through to the next one. Choose a rut and rail it.